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A rich legacy

- By Pritam Neeraj

We are a Hindu Brahmin community mainly found in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, and Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh. We are also considered an influential Hindu sub-caste who have traditionally hailed from the fertile regions of Indo-Gangetic plains of North India, in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. We are referred to as Baabhans too, an apabhramsha word for Brahmin.

We Bhumihars are landowning Brahmins who came to own land in different periods of history through land grants by kings or during the rule of Brahmin kings. The word Bhumihar consists of two Sanskrit words, bhoomi , meaning "land" and har , meaning 'seizer'. Hence, Bhumihar literally means landholder.

We perform all religious ceremonies in the same manner as other Brahmins. The usual surnames / titles of the members of our community are same as those of other Brahmins of Northern India. Some members of our brethren are addicted to agriculture.

Customs and more:

We only perform one half of the prescribed Brahmanical duties. We give alms, but do not receive them; we offer sacrifices to our idols, but do not perform the duties and hold offices of the priesthood; we read the scared writings, but do not teach them.

Our community follows certain ethnic customs and social traditions uniquely representing the traits of Bhumihars. We follow the Samskara rites with great reverence. Garbhadharana (conception), Jatakarma (birth ceremony), Namakarana (naming ceremony), Annaprasana (first feeding solid food), Choodakarana (first tonsure), Vidhyarambha (starting of education), Upanayanam (thread ceremony- initiation), Vivaha (marriage) and Anthyesthi (funeral rites) are performed. We are usually Shaivas and Shaktas.Even today we find great pride in carrying forth the values and tradition taught to us by our forefathers.

Today members of our brethren stand as shining stars in various fields. We also have many distinguished jurists, educationists, scientists, engineers, politicians, doctors, philosophers, poets, and scholars as part of our large family.